SAMPLE Question 1: Why do you think it is so important to define the problem before proceeding with a project
SAMPLE Question 2: Do you see your organization benefiting from Lean Six Sigma?
SAMPLE Question 3: What challenges do you see in managing Lean Six Sigma projects in your organization?
By defining problems properly, you make them easier to solve, which means saving time, money and resources. Albert Einstein once said, “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.” While that may sound extreme, it does highlight the importance of defining problems.
Lean Six Sigma accelerates the potential for organizations to achieve their missions and strategic goals. Every company seeks to realize their vision of the future, so why not reach the future sooner? Incorporating the best Continuous Improvement method available builds the right culture, the best mindsets and the perfect infrastructure for you to better serve your customers and earn their loyalty. It’s a great path to satisfying customers profitably.
Since LSS projects will be new to my organization I see challenges due to knowledge gaps of others that are not familiar with the methodology. I also think it will be a mindset shift for both frontline employees and leaders of the organization. We will need to slow down the improvement initiatives so that we can dive in properly and apply the methodology. It is also very easy for folks to jump forward with solutions without properly vetting them out and that will be challenging.